All rank supporters get:
- /bal (others)
- /playervault
- /fly
- /tpahere
- /pay
- /hat
- /enderchest
- /workbench
- /nick (colors)
- /seen
- /realname
- /exp
- /depth
- Auctioning Access
- Colored Chat
- Shop Creation
- Color and formatting on signs
Wither gets
- Everything Golem gets (excluding /kit Golem)
- /kit Wither*
- 35 sethomes
- /pv 6
- /god
Please note: On cancellation, charge back or expiration of this rank, you will lose access to the rank specific permissions. This means that if you have items in your rank specific playervaults, you will no longer have access to them until this rank is purchased again.
If you are restricted from joining the server, you will NOT be refunded the remaining time on this rank.
*Wither includes the following
1x Unbreaking 3 Enchanted Book
1x Mending Enchanted Book
1x Efficiency 5 Enchanted Book
16x Block of Redstone
16x Block of Emerald
16x Block of Iron
16x Block of Diamond
16x Block of Gold
5x Netherite Smithing Upgrade
8x Spawner Crate Keys (Check out what's included on our Crate Keys page!)
4x Beacon
This kit refreshes every 30 days